samedi 19 mars 2011

The pregnant widow

The pregnant widow is the period in which the old order has given way, the new one not yet born. It opens a door to any contingency; the long gestation period can give birth to a disabled child or delivers twins or a dead body. The political view isn’t revolutionized yet by 20 February but it is taking  its first momentum.
The unknown known child can be ultra-sounded each time in order to yield an insight of what is developing in the womb. An irregular heartbeat may be has been seen at an early time in the streets, newspapers, even is usually visible after a period of gestation.
Some members of widow's family, who were interested in a heritage worried ,for a while ,about the last menstrual period to occur , and when it  occurred they hesitated and then decided to face that fact and think about any opportunity to abort the child.
The average age of menarche in the Arab world is 25 years, but is normal anywhere between ages 8 and 20. Factors such as heredity, education and health and overall balance can accelerate or delay took a long time to happen in Morocco, the member of her family started to speculate about an early menopause. 
The terms "menstruation" and "menses" are derived from the Latin mensis month and the Greek mene (moon), studies have found that artificial light at night influences the menstrual cycle and it has also showed that bright light exposure in the morning promotes more regular cycles. And that what’s the media lights always do: insure or not insure the menstrual cycle.
The age of menopause is largely a result of genetics; however, illnesses, certain surgeries, or medical treatments may cause menopause to occur earlier. if History showed that even a menopausal can give birth to Yahya after 3 days of Zachariah 's silence: this doesn't  mean that story is about a miracle it means how  much you  believe.

samedi 26 février 2011

Maybe the poor weren’t cursed yet.

If you are rich, in many cases, your wealth may work against you because one wants to suffer less and take rapidly a risky decision on a probable misconduct or miscalculation of carrying out an operation.

In a medical field, I used to know that obstetrician doctors try to ring up more expensive procedures and perform cesarean-section deliveries than the old normal deliveries. 
Nador ,Tangier, Rabat are the cities where there are many middle class people and many doctors and ten times the number of cesarean-section deliveries.

The best way to evaluate how your wealth can play against you is to know how the doctor or, lawyer, contractor, mechanic, stock trader, performs the same service for himself and to tell anyone who exercises the same profession that you already have concluded the deal when you think to perform it, and then watch how they can react, maybe you will be surprised, because the person who hired him, aim to what exactly you want: less risk for his business and if his incentives may work in your favor sometimes remind yourself  that a surgeon unfortunately doesn’t operate on himself !

jeudi 24 février 2011

leadership potential !

Serotonin opens an important area of research in biological psychiatry, it plays a role, not only in the treatment of depression or etiology but by predicting its rate prevents any susceptibility to depression. 

Another reason of my interest in serotonin arises from the increasing recognition that happiness and well-being are important, both as factors to protect against mental and physical disorders.
Better moods are associated with higher serotonin levels in blood; negative moods are associated with negative outcomes.  The negative mood hostility is a risk factor for many disorders; hostility is one of the biggest sources of mortality, it is associated not only with the development of heart diseases but may lead to decreased social support and social isolation: agreeableness is associated with and precedes numerous successful outcomes and fosters congenial relationships with others.
Scientists found out that serotonin, a neurotransmitter, command a large share of our human behavior, the irony is that an increase in serotonin causes an increase in leadership ability. I will return ,one day, to this point and explain how it suffice one to be lucky and speak proportionately about his skills and get all puffed up.
There is a positive correlation between serotonin synthesis and the hours of sunlight. Relatively few generations ago, most of the world population was involved in agriculture and was outdoors for much of the day and they were happy as my friends try sell me the idea when I take coffee with them. 

Better use of daylight in buildings is an issue that architects should increasingly be aware of; working indoors does not have to be associated with less exposure to the bright light.
The idea, common in popular culture, that a high-protein food such meat will raise serotonin is, unfortunately, false. Another popular myth that is widespread is that bananas improve mood because of their serotonin content. 

Although it is true that bananas contain serotonin, it does not cross the blood–brain barrier. But an ingestion of milk or doing exercises can improve a mood. Nonetheless, the possibility that some kind of food or exercises can simulate the serotonin remains an interesting idea that should be explored.

mercredi 23 février 2011

nomad parliament

I am at loggerheads with a laissez-faire treatment of social problems, which contend that insulating what is happening in the street from government's program and let sustaining a assailant social crisis be corrected, from time to time, only by the king and permit the government and the regulators set on their hands and don’t interfere with the correcting mechanism.

What started on streets 20 February 2011 reveals that a minor imbalance can grow to a much bigger one that threatens to engulf not only the market but also Moroccan stability; we are on the verge of new winds.  Problems have run much deeper in the recent years, but we are unwilling to face them.

Risks of breakdown are increased because our understanding of how social needs operate is fundamentally flawed. Social needs in Morocco rest on the misleading concept of the no-huge-pressing-amounts of demands. No apparent demands were, and still, elusive, and it is only by accident that the actual course of events corresponds to the prevailing reality of needs; government, if it is willing to acknowledge it ,cannot leave to correct each time its mistakes when the manifestations happen, because it is likely to overreact and behaves in an indiscriminate manner. 

Governments could recognize easily now that they are shooting at a moving target rather than sedentary one, it suffice, for this, to see that Mohamed Bouazizi was a nomad! Moroccans need a nomad parliament that strives to correct society deficiencies: a non-closed government.

It is perhaps time for each side to respect the other’s position and to find common ground. I believe it is enough to agree, in the second round of manifestation on the common interests, to reshuffle partially the ministerial cabinet; the market will be smoothly hurt and it will provide a systemic solution without conditionality.

mardi 22 février 2011

When the sky is dull and brooding

Democracy is sought when the parties offer dull versions of the same policy, when the fear of tomorrow wins the middle class, when unemployment reaches to graduates of higher education and when the highest incomes are unrelated to merit, when we prefer not scrutinizing what is happening in each public profession, and not daring to ask the question each time of the possibility to withdraw the entire adorable privileges of the nomination if a manipulation of public interest takes place during any appointment. Today, not having explicitly asked those questions, we let the horrible corruptions and incompetence happened and we don’t dare to face the fact that we cannot pursue them because we didn’t prepared ourselves to do. 
The political view has switched; all the elites are threatened by the same fate. Soon the people of Morocco will end there; large Moroccan companies are busy to reevaluate their risks, the big banks to hide, for a while, some of their branches bankruptcy. The post-crisis of Arab world could not be a return to the former order even for the countries that just have spun partially by the hot wave.
Morocco has the means to end this fear of the future and enroll in the wave of the emergent countries progress. It would require regain competence, understanding that employment creates growth and not the reverse.
By developing entrepreneurship by giving the unemployed a status of individual contractors responsible for making valuable services to the community in exchange for their services, promote entrepreneurship especially for advanced services, in logistics and technologies, and by giving local authorities the legal and financial means to invest in venture capital, up to 25% in new firms created by the unemployed.

lundi 21 février 2011

Methods and fashions

How do the most powerful Arab states find overnight events happening outside their control? How does randomness unfold in the system without being noticed until it prevails when people are treated violently,And then it precludes any chance to reverse or deflect the course.

Why didn't we witness in Arab world cuts inflicted by various tribes or ideologies? and instead of that it succumbs, after a while, ineluctably, to the rise of new elements on like power. This unconscious feeling of groups to be a small population in small territory threat their survival in the future. The wont to exploit the common wealth and the difficulty to divide it dissuade any one to take seriously such thought.

In February 20, 2011 Morocco confirmed from the speed of  processes  that governments will be destitute of some controls over their agendas; the paraphernalia of informal networks heralds that compass and  power will be more widely scattered, and the over-floating information will undercut the scale of bureaucracy; political leaders will enjoy less time and room before they must respond to events, and then they will have to deal with an increasing number and variety of actors in order to plan, contrive, and execute.

Political leaders are addicted to react when they should be focused on how to sound out what it’s smothered and make things anti-fragile by popping events. They concentrate on things that they already know, and time and time again, fail to take into consideration what they don't know and this means that world politics can no longer be the beating heart of governments.

jeudi 17 février 2011

Necessity, emergency, and crisis

In a dictatorship of exigency, voters, employees, members of a group or party no longer have any loyalty to hold. They change their minds permanently, deny any membership of a club, corporation or organization, as do consumers with products, they require from them immediate satisfaction. Politicians have no time ,to be temporarily unpopular, or employees’ profitability machine to be less or equal 1. They must secure the market environment for those who work as measured by polls, or profitability or their powers to achieve, in just time, theirs perspectives.

They end up treating their stay in a group, workplace, area, or a country like any individual contract excluding any rhetoric or old solidarity; they feel entitled to judge the quality of theirs fruits remunerated by wages, taxes, annuities, and dividends.

A politician or an employee who doesn’t have neither a clear vision, nor high aspirations, and no will for great achievement or attainment in a short term, and has just a wildly exaggerated sense of greatness based on his cronies or his past is hindering his continuation and losing his membership card. Egypt and Tunisia are good witnesses.