mardi 22 février 2011

When the sky is dull and brooding

Democracy is sought when the parties offer dull versions of the same policy, when the fear of tomorrow wins the middle class, when unemployment reaches to graduates of higher education and when the highest incomes are unrelated to merit, when we prefer not scrutinizing what is happening in each public profession, and not daring to ask the question each time of the possibility to withdraw the entire adorable privileges of the nomination if a manipulation of public interest takes place during any appointment. Today, not having explicitly asked those questions, we let the horrible corruptions and incompetence happened and we don’t dare to face the fact that we cannot pursue them because we didn’t prepared ourselves to do. 
The political view has switched; all the elites are threatened by the same fate. Soon the people of Morocco will end there; large Moroccan companies are busy to reevaluate their risks, the big banks to hide, for a while, some of their branches bankruptcy. The post-crisis of Arab world could not be a return to the former order even for the countries that just have spun partially by the hot wave.
Morocco has the means to end this fear of the future and enroll in the wave of the emergent countries progress. It would require regain competence, understanding that employment creates growth and not the reverse.
By developing entrepreneurship by giving the unemployed a status of individual contractors responsible for making valuable services to the community in exchange for their services, promote entrepreneurship especially for advanced services, in logistics and technologies, and by giving local authorities the legal and financial means to invest in venture capital, up to 25% in new firms created by the unemployed.

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