samedi 26 février 2011

Maybe the poor weren’t cursed yet.

If you are rich, in many cases, your wealth may work against you because one wants to suffer less and take rapidly a risky decision on a probable misconduct or miscalculation of carrying out an operation.

In a medical field, I used to know that obstetrician doctors try to ring up more expensive procedures and perform cesarean-section deliveries than the old normal deliveries. 
Nador ,Tangier, Rabat are the cities where there are many middle class people and many doctors and ten times the number of cesarean-section deliveries.

The best way to evaluate how your wealth can play against you is to know how the doctor or, lawyer, contractor, mechanic, stock trader, performs the same service for himself and to tell anyone who exercises the same profession that you already have concluded the deal when you think to perform it, and then watch how they can react, maybe you will be surprised, because the person who hired him, aim to what exactly you want: less risk for his business and if his incentives may work in your favor sometimes remind yourself  that a surgeon unfortunately doesn’t operate on himself !

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