lundi 21 février 2011

Methods and fashions

How do the most powerful Arab states find overnight events happening outside their control? How does randomness unfold in the system without being noticed until it prevails when people are treated violently,And then it precludes any chance to reverse or deflect the course.

Why didn't we witness in Arab world cuts inflicted by various tribes or ideologies? and instead of that it succumbs, after a while, ineluctably, to the rise of new elements on like power. This unconscious feeling of groups to be a small population in small territory threat their survival in the future. The wont to exploit the common wealth and the difficulty to divide it dissuade any one to take seriously such thought.

In February 20, 2011 Morocco confirmed from the speed of  processes  that governments will be destitute of some controls over their agendas; the paraphernalia of informal networks heralds that compass and  power will be more widely scattered, and the over-floating information will undercut the scale of bureaucracy; political leaders will enjoy less time and room before they must respond to events, and then they will have to deal with an increasing number and variety of actors in order to plan, contrive, and execute.

Political leaders are addicted to react when they should be focused on how to sound out what it’s smothered and make things anti-fragile by popping events. They concentrate on things that they already know, and time and time again, fail to take into consideration what they don't know and this means that world politics can no longer be the beating heart of governments.

1 commentaire:

  1. Najib sent me this interesting message

    L'entropie sociale n'est pas un désordre social, c'est essentiellement une phase par laquelle passe la nature pour essayer d'atteindre une nouvelle forme d'équilibre stable, c'est à dire une situation de bien-être social fondé sur un système harmonieux fixé autour de l'éducation, la santé et la justice.

    The social entropy is not a social disorder; it is essentially a phase through it Nature takes its course and try to reach a new form of stable equilibrium, i.e. a situation of social welfare based on a harmonious system fixed around education, health and justice.
